Help us buy the most requested and urgently needed medical equipment for Ukrainians locked in the war zone. Every pound donated will reach the people who need it most.

Over 750 health care facilities have been bombed since the beginning of the war. 144 have been completely destroyed by Russian strikes. We can only imagine the negative impact on the stocks of medical equipment and the conditions in which medics have to work. Frontline Live Ukraine is here to support those charities on the frontline. We are crowdfunding for the specific medical items that our registered charities tell us they most urgently need.

Every pound you donate will be spent on the item of equipment you choose below and its transportation to one of the registered charities.

We will let you know you when it arrives.

Gift Cash

You can help

If you can’t afford to gift cash you can still support frontline charities…

Share with employees and networks.

If you have goods to give, mail us.

If you’ve got time to give. More hands on deck = more impact!

  • Anastasia Sheremet

    Anaesthesiologist and doctor now working with the Ambulance Brigade in Kyiv.

    “Our ambulance brigade treats and transports critically injured people from the front line to hospitals in safer areas of Ukraine. Time is precious and access to specialised mobile medical equipment is what often decides whether people live or die.

    The Frontline Live platform is invaluable to us. It gives us a voice so you understand exactly what we need, and where. The Frontline Live volunteers can spend your donations on our specific medical needs.”

  • Igor Paniuk

    Senior Director of Trinetix. Seconded to support Ukrainian charities

    “Doctors like my father are having to do procedures in the near dark. The emergency gets worse as we head toward the darkness of winter, with sporadic electricity.

    Though Frontline Live Ukraine we know all the money will be spent on the equipment we really need. Thank you for continuing to support us.”

  • Inna Bilous

    Founder Manifest Mira

    “We are going through hell at the moment. We, Ukrainians wake up each day to the insecurity and uncertainty of a continuing war… and have to keep on working.

    The real front line in Ukraine is longer and wider than you might imagine. Everyone is involved: doctors and nurses, emergency and social workers, teachers and council workers.

    The continued support of the global community gives us the strength to carry on and resist. Thank you.“

Our partners

Our core values

  • Transparency

    There is no place for politically massaged messaging during crisis. We need to see what is really happening - when and where it's happening. High-quality, real-time, reliable data is the cornerstone of effective advocacy and coordination - so no one falls through the cracks again

  • Decentralisation

    Global crises are explosive, complex, systemic and multi-dimensional. When disaster hits, centralised supply chains are too fragile, opaque and inflexible. Decentralised, open-source solutions unleash untapped resources, force transparency and ensure resilience during crises.

  • Co-Creation

    Global crises are wicked multi-stakeholder problems. Impactful, innovative, robust supply solutions emerge from collaborative ecosystems that include diverse partners - and most importantly the people on the frontline - into the design process. Collective wisdom, energy and experience drives systemic impact.

It worked during COVID-19

Our open source “risk radar” technology was built by volunteers during the PPE crisis to keep frontline workers safe. Hundreds of healthcare workers reported PPE shortages. Partners helped us spread the word. Non traditional suppliers got them what they needed. Half a million bit of PPE were delivered to the frontline. Not one penny changed hands.

What is Frontline.Live ?

It is an award-winning charity based around an open-source crowd-mapping platform. The decentralised, digital technology was designed, built and delivered by volunteers to address the PPE crisis during COVID-19. It empowers frontline organisations to report when supplies run short. Their needs are pinned to a web-based digital map so non-traditional suppliers and citizen activists can see what is needed where, and respond rapidly to constantly changing needs in times of crisis. Just-in-time donations support timely distribution and mitigate against the delivery of surplus supplies and the storage challenges this creates.

Our Vision

Working with a growing community of charities and NGOs, we will continuously improve an infinitely scalable platform that crowdsources awareness, communication, and “just in time” aid to keep people on the frontline healthy and safe. The open-source platform, becoming smarter and more adaptable with every crisis, will power quicker, more accurate emergency response by harnessing the energy and experience of people who want to help, but don’t know how.

Not for profit groups across the world will replicate our open-source code and playbook. Having amended it according to their specific needs and context. they will merge learnings into a continuously improving toolkit that enables preparedness, resilience and people-powered “just in time” response

Our ‘risk’ radar and open data reporting will allow everyone to see the scale of emerging crises, motivating them to  mobilise action towards systemic change